Monday, October 15, 2012

Bagel or Donut?

I'm going to put up this quick post because I'm baffled about this snack I just bought at 7-11.
It looks like a donut - i.e., it's fried to a golden color - but it appears to have some cream cheese-like substance smeared between its two bisections. More to come when I eat it.

Did you know? 7-11, in China, is owned and operated by a Japanese company. A few weeks ago, during the big anti-Japanese protests all over China, 7-11s were closed! Or, had a sign outside proclaiming "The Diaoyu Islands Belong to China". Look it up! (Do they? Who knows!)

Mo Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature.
He is the SECOND CHINESE WRITER TO CLAIM THIS HONOR sorry China but he's the second.
No one in China knows that Gao Xingjian won the 2000 prize. It's Orwellian.


James said...

Sounds like a delightful gastronomic innovation. Hope you guys are well - I just reread your N+1 story and looked back wistfully upon our election work in 2008.

Ryan said...

Wistful times. I guess we're personally to blame for these drone attacks.

I never ate the bagel thing. After a few days it got moldy and I had to toss it.

Stay tuned for more tales of life in the mysterious Orient...