Saturday, July 23, 2011


Here's a personally narrated video from our new video-log.
This is us at the Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo Studio/House Museum, in Mexico City.
This is a pretty neat house. It kind of reminded me of Venice in LA, except it was built in 1929.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Evil Days

“At present, in this vicinity, the best part of the land is not private property; the landscape is not owned, and the walker enjoys comparative freedom. But possibly the day will come when it will be partitioned off....when fences shall be multiplied, and man-traps and other engines invented to confine men to the public road, and walking over the surface of God’s eath shall be construed to mean trespassing on some gentleman’s grounds... Let us improve our opportunities, then, before the evil days come.”

--Thoreau, “Walking”